Opening: ./2ed2.REC, lines; 19
Minke Whale - 2ed2.Image.jpg - Picture of a Minke whale underwater in July of 1995. The Minke is common in the Bay of Fundy from June to October. The Minke(pronounced "ming-key") grow to no more than 9m and weigh about 9 tonnes. The Minke is a small baleen whale. The animal has a V-shaped, sharply pointed snout and an obvious, cureved dorsal fin. The flippers have white band. The blow is quick and virtually invisible. Minkes are black, white and grey.
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Title: Minke Whale

Location:Petite Passage
Source: Dianne and Harold Theriault-Petit Passage Whale Watch
Notes: Picture of a Minke whale underwater in July of 1995. The Minke is common in the Bay of Fundy from June to October. The Minke(pronounced "ming-key") grow to no more than 9m and weigh about 9 tonnes. The Minke is a small baleen whale. The animal has a V-shaped, sharply pointed snout and an obvious, cureved dorsal fin. The flippers have white band. The blow is quick and virtually invisible. Minkes are black, white and grey.

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